Host a Show

Home Stretch Comedy
Home Stretch comedy delivers an intimate comedy show from the comfort of your own couch! Don’t feel like leaving the house? Now you don’t have to. Sign up through our registration form to be a host for an event. Why not let the fun come to you?
What you can look forward to with a “Home Stretch Comedy” event:
Apart from a night full of laughter, the best thing about entertainment in your own home is no expensive bar drinks. This event is completely BYO and no need to call an uber or taxi at the end of the night, you’re already home!
You can still be social without leaving the house. Under Covid restrictions you're allowed to invite 16 guests (plus the four comedians making the total 20) to enjoy a night of entertainment and the presence of your company. You're welcome friends...
Plus you can do as little or as much as you would like for your event. You can decorate the performance space, set up a table of nibblies, ask your guests to bring snacks or none of these ideas, its up to you!
What we provide:
We’ll be bringing four talented comics to entertain you and everything needed for the show eg. PA, microphone, props.
After confirming the date we’ll also create a private event on Facebook explaining the details for the evening. You’ll be added as a host for this event so you can invite those special 16 guests for your “Home Stretch Comedy” experience.
What your guests will need to bring:
We ask that each guest bring $10 to go to our talented comedians for their efforts. As a host you will be excluded from this amount. Some hosts choose to cover this charge for their guests but both options are acceptable.
You may also want to ask your guests to bring a camp or foldable chair depending on seating availability.
Alcohol or other beverages. This event is completely BYO so you and your friends will save a bucketload on expensive bar drinks for an evening of entertainment.
What we need from you:
A date for the event to be held, which we will confirm once the availability of the comedians on that date have been determined.
A performance space. It can be your lounge room, your backyard, your kitchen! It just needs to be large enough to fit your 16 guests, and yourself of course, comfortably. If you’re unsure of the space we are quite happy to advise you. Just send us pictures of the spaces you are considering and we’ll help you make a decision.
Invite your friends! Once you’re added as a host to the private Facebook event you are free to invite whoever you would like. You can invite people off Facebook as well, but remember due to Covid restrictions you’re only allowed 16 guests (as four of the guests will be the comedians themselves), so remember to keep track of how many people have RSVP’d.
Invite your guests to mingle before the show starts. Comedy is all about atmosphere, so inviting your guests to socialise and get comfortable in the space before the show can make all the difference.